School News

The Closing Ceremony of the Tenth Foreign Language Cultural Festival
Created Time:2013-11-12     Hit:

The Closing Ceremony of the Tenth Foreign Language Cultural Festival was held in Chang’an campus multifunctional lecture hall, in the evening of the November 11th, the party and government leaderships, teachers, and freshmen gathered together to watch the performance.

With the dynamic opening dance, the party officially kicked off. First of all, the professor Cui Yaping, the dean of the Foreign languages College delivered a warm speech, she said, the arrival of the new students transfuse youth and vitality to our college, she hoped everyone can take advantage of the good times to study hard and build their own "China dream, talent dream".

During the two hours’ performance, students from the grades 2013 and 2012 brought the audience new, fresh and wonderful programs in the form of English drama, foreign songs medley, dance, chorus, and instruments and so on, which made the hall full of warm atmosphere and applause showdown. Especially, the chorus performed by college party leaders and professional teachers as well the foreign language song solo push the party to a new high, made it unforgettable.

In the end, the teachers and guests took pictures with all the staffs after the party.